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IMIA Presentations

Missed an IMIA event but you want to learn from the presentations?
No problem, just order the respective IMIA Proceedings Memory Stick!

IMIA Event Proceedings were compiled from author presentations from a diverse number of IMIA Events.

The opinions, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the participants and are advisory only. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the IMIA.

The presentations and handouts have been included as submitted and have not been peer reviewed. They are in CD or memory stick format and do not contain audio. They are for the purpose to promote information exchange and may contain preliminary data not fully analyzed. Authors have given permission for their presentations to be submitted. However, the authors should be consulted before referencing any of the information provided in such presentations. These IMIA Event Proceeding CDs do not constitute formal endorsement by IMIA. The ideas expressed in this proceedings are the sole property of the author(s) and set precedence in that the author(s) must be given due credit for their ideas.

May 3, 2013 in Portland, OR



Event Unit price Qty to purchase Delivery format
IMIA International Conference, Houston TX $99 Memory stick
IMIA International Conference, Miami Beach, FL
Many of the 56 presentations included
$99 Memory stick
IMIA Administrators Symposium $99 Memory stick
IMIA Trainers Symposium (coming in June) $99 Memory stick
IMIA First Administrators Symposium $99 Memory stick
IMIA Second Trainers Symposium $99 Memory stick
IMIA International Conference
35+ presentations
$159 Memory stick
IMIA International Conference $159 Memory stick
IMIA First Trainers Symposium $99 Memory stick
IMIA International Conference $159 Memory stick


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