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Is Your Resume Up to Date?

If you are interested in doing your own resume evaluation,  please see our sample resume (http://www.imiaweb.org/uploads/pages/287.pdf) for medical interpreters and guidelines on writing a great resume.

Your CV or resume is the first impression many employers will have before even seeing you in person. It is important to make that first impression. Therefore, we decided to put on the website a sample CV for you to use if you are in the process of updating your resume. As you know, you can now upload your resume to the Interpreter Directory, so take this opportunity to do just that.

Please see the attached sample CV which might help you as you improve your resume look. We have kept it in MSWord so you can overwrite it and use it as a template as well.

Tips to new interpreters:


-Be specific in your "objective" statement. Include your language and the type of position desired (full-time, part time, per diem/freelance).

-Interpreter services coordinators don't want to have to read all the way through to determine the interpreter's language pairs and proficiency levels.

-Do not include languages for which you are not fluent in. These are not working languages and have no relevance to your work as an interpreter.

-Mention specifics about the different types of healthcare settings you have worked in (ED, mental health, workmen's comp, etc.)

-Join a professional interpreter association, and mention your membership in your resume. This will show that you are serious about the profession.

-If your job history is unrelated to interpreting, be sure to explain if and how you used your language skills in each position.

-If your interpreting experience is mostly volunteer work, list it! When it comes to experience, volunteer work is no less valuable than paid work.

-Engage in ongoing professional development. One coordinator said, "I don't want to see that you graduated from Bentley College in 1998 and never took another interpreting course."

-Have a native English speaker proofread the final resume. Not good for a language professional to have a poorly written resume!

Ten Resume Red Flags


Additional Documents

>IMIA Sample CV

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