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LEP Guidance for HHS

Dept of Justice LEP Guidance for HHS

" Given the foregoing considerations, vital written materials could include, for example:

Consent and complaint forms.
Intake forms with the potential for important consequences.
Written notices of eligibility criteria, rights, denial, loss, or decreases in benefits or services, actions affecting parental custody or child support, and other hearings.

Notices advising LEP persons of free language assistance.
Written tests that do not assess English language competency, but test competency for a particular license, job, or skill for which knowing English is not required.

Applications to participate in a recipient's program or activity or to receive recipient benefits or services. Nonvital written materials could include:

Hospital menus.
Third party documents, forms, or pamphlets distributed by a recipient as a public service.
For a non-governmental recipient, government documents and forms.
Large documents such as enrollment handbooks (although vital information contained in large documents may need to be translated).

General information about the program intended for informational purposes only. "

See full text at http://www.justice.gov/crt/cor/lep/hhsrevisedlepguidance.php

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