North Carolina Chapter

Welcome to the North Carolina Chapter of the IMIA. The IMIA's goal is for all IMIA Chapters to flourish to meet all the needs of the members of each region. While the IMIA is international it believes in the 'Think Global, Act Local' motto. We will have periodic conference calls to allow members in this region to network and find ways to advance the profession together in the region. Please email your representative with ideas, issues, and topics that you think should be discussed. The IMIA believes that organizing an IMIA Symposium each year in each state should be a key goal of the Chapter. If you are willing to volunteer to assist, please let your representative know.

Karla Pereira is the IMIA North Carolina Chapter Chair

Karla is a Licensed Pediatrician from Nicaragua, enhancing her portfolio by earning a dual Master’s degree in Health and Business Administration and the CMI credential. She was the first the first full time interpreter hired on site of Triad Region in 1997, active patient advocate and language service assistance promoter. She has been working as a Medical Interpreter at Forsyth Medical Center-NOVANT, Winston-Salem for 15 years and her medical background has certainly made her excel in her job as an interpreter and bring invaluable expertise to IMIA since 2005. This makes her a great advocate for the profession and for the limited English proficient patient in our area. Karla served on the FOCUS (Forum of Coordination of Interpreter Services) committee for many years as a Forsyth Medical Center representative since 2008. She is a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and communicate the benefits. She has successfully developed research such as The Safety Communication Services Limited English Proficiency Patient at FMC-NOVANT and constantly educating herself in the medical interpreting field and all related policies and regulatory requirements. Recipient of the 2009 IMIA Medical Interpreter of the Year Award, Member of the local Triad March of Dimes Board of Directors, she has being selected as the 2012 Hanesbrands Leadership Award recipient for all she does for Hispanics in Forsyth County. She is a great asset who is capable of making a difference, inspiring medical interpreters and driving change in the way medical interpreting is viewed in our communities.
09/05/2010Durham Tech's Marianela Mañana honored by peers

DURHAM -- Marianela Mañana, director/instructor of the Translation/Interpretation programs at Durham Technical Community College, has received the International Medical Interpreters Association National Distinction in Education Award. This is the only national association specifically for interpreter education. Mañana received the award during the IMIA conference at the Harvard Medical School Conference Center in Boston Sept. 3-5. The organization has about 2,000 members worldwide. The majority of interpreters work in the US, but many work in other countries.

A native of Uruguay, Mañana came to Durham Tech in 2003 as a part-time instructor for the Foreign Languages Department and the Community Spanish certificate program. She became a full-time employee in 2005 and program director in 2007. Mañana earned a bachelor of science degree in French Translation and Interpretation at the Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay.

She earned a bachelor of science in Portuguese Translation and Interpretation from the Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. She earned a master of arts degree in teaching Spanish as a Second Language from the University Antonio de Nebrija in Madrid, Spain.

Mañana has presented at numerous symposiums, including the 2008 XVIII World Congress of the International Federation of Translators in Shanghai, China.

10/01/2020North Carolina State Chapter Vice Chair Position Vacant
North Carolina Hospital Association
North Carolina Dept of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS)
Title VI Summary
North Carolina Symposium on National Certification Sept 19
4th Annual Charlotte AHEC Interpreter's and Translator's Conference
North Carolina IMIA Duke Medical Center Symposium on February 5, 2011
NCPIA Conference October 23, 2010
Former Representatives
Doris Hernandez